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Automotive Software Engineer (C++, OOP)
3 Lý do để gia nhập công ty
- Competitive salary & up-to 16-month income / year
- Attractive allowances & benefits
- Flexible working time with many company holidays
Mô tả công việc
As an Automotive Software Engineer with one of 2 teams, you will be responsible:
* Cluster Team:
• Develop automotive high-end products and standard technologies in HMI Applications, HMI frameworks, Protocols to interface with HMI framework and middleware.
• Responsible for software development tasks following the ASPICE process standard
• Responsible for output quality following project standard
• Responsible for development schedule compliance
• Generate reports, direct communicate with local managements, head quarter or OEM partner.
* Vehicle Network Team:
• Researching and developing applications, framework service (middleware) for Car Infotainment, AVN (Audio Video Navigation) and Telematics system in both C/C++ Linux Embedded and Android Framework* (AOSP)
• Develop software products with cutting edge automotive technologies* (Bluetooth/Wi-Fi, OTA & SW Update, In-Vehicle Network services: Ethernet, Diagnostic, Car Interface)
(*) Bluetooth/Wi-Fi jobs are available for both C/C++ Linux and Android Framework AOSP, the other technologies are only for C/C++ Linux.
• Participating in the full Software Development Life Cycle (Agile, ASPICE, NPI) from requirement analysis, creating software design documents (HLD/LLD, detailed design), implementation, testing (UT/IT), and maintenance
• Collaborate with team to delivery reliable software on time based on project milestone.
• Handle technical problems, and report progress, and work results to the technical leader.
• Generate reports, communicate with local managements and head quarter
Yêu cầu công việc
*** General requirements:
• Bachelor degree in Information Technology, Computer Science, Computer Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Telecommunication Engineering, Mathematics, Mechanics and Informatics or equivalent.
• Strong motivation to develop career in automotive software field.
• Software development experience in C++ programming;
• Having good knowledge with OOP, OOAD (Object-Oriented Analysis and Design);
• Having hands-on experience to use JIRA, GIT and Gerrit;
• Having hands-on experiences in developing large software systems;
* Highly talented & experienced candidates will be considered for Senior/Leader positions.
*** These skills would be considered as an advantage but not the must:
• Experiences related to multi-thread, multi-process programming;
• Having hands-on experiences to use and implement design patterns (MVC, Singleton, Observers);
• Experiences related to develop application using Qt/QML;
• Experiences related to design and develop GUI frameworks, front-end applications;
• Ability to effectively present information to top management, public groups, and/or board of directors.
Tại sao bạn sẽ yêu thích làm việc tại đây
- 13th month salary + Incentive bonus (Total remuneration package / year: up to 16-month salary) + Annual salary review;
- HYBRID WORKING, flexible working time (Mon - Fri)
- Support for lunch, transportation and other allowances (Coding Expert, Technical leader, phone...);
- Premium health care & accident insurance;
- Total 20 days off (12 days of annual leave & additional 8 days of company holidays: Summer holiday, Mid-Autumn, Christmas, LG and VS DCV Foundation Days);
- Support fee to get TOEIC & technical certifications (ISTQB, Agile Scrum...);
- On-site & training opportunities abroad;
- Company trip, sport clubs (zumba, football, pingpong, badminton,...);
- Monthly budget for team activities, etc.
LG Electronics Development Vietnam (LGEDV)
LG Electronics Development Vietnam (LGEDV)