NEC Vietnam
Nhấn để bắt đầu đánh giá
49 đánh giá
Môi trường rất tốt cho mấy em intern
Điều tôi thích:
Chế độ phúc lợi rất tốt, môi trường văn hóa trẻ trung, sôi động, bây giờ đa số là mấy bạn khoảng 2k, nhỏ nhất đang là 2k3
Chế độ remote 2 ngày/ 1 tuần
Dàn PM, BRSE chất lượng, giỏi tiếng Nhật và đi lên từ dev nên làm việc với KH Nhật rất dễ hiểu.
Do mình làm chậm, nên tự OT cho xong task
Đề nghị cải thiện:
Nếu bạn từ dev 2 trở lên, bắt buộc phải làm 2 dự án 1 lúc, mỗi dự án làm 4 tiếng, nếu 3 dự án thì chia 3 ra. Nhưng nếu ai có sức trâu thì cứ cày thôi, cày nhiều tốt mà.
Làm 1 lúc nhiều dự án, nhiều công nghệ, phải giỏi, sức trâu lắm mới làm nổi, mình gà nên bị gục ngã xin về làm 1 dự án, chấp nhận bị đánh giá kém, nhưng có sức khỏe và được học hỏi nhiều thứ là được rồi
Môi trường thích hợp cho intern
Điều tôi thích
The salary is really good, the manager always tries to increase my salary before I request. There are many training courses about soft skills, celebrated by the CEO, and self-training about technical.
Đề nghị cải thiện
Boss is like a sun. Way too hot sometimes. So it's best if he just stays and works from home a couple of days. Please keep doing what you are doing :)
Môi trường ổn với intern
Điều tôi thích
The salary is really good, the manager always tries to increase my salary before I request. There are many training courses about soft skills, celebrated by the CEO, and self-training about technical.
Đề nghị cải thiện
Boss is like a sun. Way too hot sometimes. So it's best if he just stays and works from home a couple of days. Please keep doing what you are doing :)
Môi trường đáng để học hỏi
Điều tôi thích
The salary is really good, the manager always tries to increase my salary before I request. There are many training courses about soft skills, celebrated by the CEO, and self-training about technical.
Đề nghị cải thiện
Boss is like a sun. Way too hot sometimes. So it's best if he just stays and works from home a couple of days. Please keep doing what you are doing :)
Good benefit and friendly colleague
Điều tôi thích
The salary is really good, the manager always tries to increase my salary before I request. There are many training courses about soft skills, celebrated by the CEO, and self-training about technical.
Đề nghị cải thiện
Boss is like a sun. Way too hot sometimes. So it's best if he just stays and works from home a couple of days. Please keep doing what you are doing :)
Nhân viên được cấp máy
Điều tôi thích
The salary is really good, the manager always tries to increase my salary before I request. There are many training courses about soft skills, celebrated by the CEO, and self-training about technical.
Đề nghị cải thiện
Boss is like a sun. Way too hot sometimes. So it's best if he just stays and works from home a couple of days. Please keep doing what you are doing :)
Sếp tâm lý, đồng nghiệp tuyệt vời
Điều tôi thích
The salary is really good, the manager always tries to increase my salary before I request. There are many training courses about soft skills, celebrated by the CEO, and self-training about technical.
Đề nghị cải thiện
Boss is like a sun. Way too hot sometimes. So it's best if he just stays and works from home a couple of days. Please keep doing what you are doing :)
Các Sếp tốt, môi trường làm việc thân thiện và vui vẻ
Điều tôi thích
The salary is really good, the manager always tries to increase my salary before I request. There are many training courses about soft skills, celebrated by the CEO, and self-training about technical.
Đề nghị cải thiện
Boss is like a sun. Way too hot sometimes. So it's best if he just stays and works from home a couple of days. Please keep doing what you are doing :)
Benefit nhiều lắm
Điều tôi thích
The salary is really good, the manager always tries to increase my salary before I request. There are many training courses about soft skills, celebrated by the CEO, and self-training about technical.
Đề nghị cải thiện
Boss is like a sun. Way too hot sometimes. So it's best if he just stays and works from home a couple of days. Please keep doing what you are doing :)
Môi trường thân thiện & Đồng nghiệp dễ thương
Điều tôi thích
The salary is really good, the manager always tries to increase my salary before I request. There are many training courses about soft skills, celebrated by the CEO, and self-training about technical.
Đề nghị cải thiện
Boss is like a sun. Way too hot sometimes. So it's best if he just stays and works from home a couple of days. Please keep doing what you are doing :)