Act Brain Vietnam
Nhấn để bắt đầu đánh giá
7 đánh giá
Công ty tốt cho fresher
Điều tôi thích:
Học được nhiều loại kiến thức, tùy theo dự án
Mọi người support lẫn nhau rất thân thiện
Có khóa đào tạo văn hóa công ty khi mới vào
OT được trả tiền đầy đủ nếu được accept từ leader
Nếu do không xong việc thì tự ở lại làm cho xong
Đề nghị cải thiện:
Lương thấp so với mặt bằng chung
PC hơi chậm, vài máy còn HDD nên chạy nhiều phần mềm hay đứng máy
Môi trường tốt
Điều tôi thích
The salary is really good, the manager always tries to increase my salary before I request. There are many training courses about soft skills, celebrated by the CEO, and self-training about technical.
Đề nghị cải thiện
Boss is like a sun. Way too hot sometimes. So it's best if he just stays and works from home a couple of days. Please keep doing what you are doing :)
Sếp và nhân viên đều good
Điều tôi thích
The salary is really good, the manager always tries to increase my salary before I request. There are many training courses about soft skills, celebrated by the CEO, and self-training about technical.
Đề nghị cải thiện
Boss is like a sun. Way too hot sometimes. So it's best if he just stays and works from home a couple of days. Please keep doing what you are doing :)
Review tổng thể
Điều tôi thích
The salary is really good, the manager always tries to increase my salary before I request. There are many training courses about soft skills, celebrated by the CEO, and self-training about technical.
Đề nghị cải thiện
Boss is like a sun. Way too hot sometimes. So it's best if he just stays and works from home a couple of days. Please keep doing what you are doing :)
Đánh giá nhảm
Điều tôi thích
The salary is really good, the manager always tries to increase my salary before I request. There are many training courses about soft skills, celebrated by the CEO, and self-training about technical.
Đề nghị cải thiện
Boss is like a sun. Way too hot sometimes. So it's best if he just stays and works from home a couple of days. Please keep doing what you are doing :)
Sếp tốt vui vẻ
Điều tôi thích
The salary is really good, the manager always tries to increase my salary before I request. There are many training courses about soft skills, celebrated by the CEO, and self-training about technical.
Đề nghị cải thiện
Boss is like a sun. Way too hot sometimes. So it's best if he just stays and works from home a couple of days. Please keep doing what you are doing :)
good company
Điều tôi thích
The salary is really good, the manager always tries to increase my salary before I request. There are many training courses about soft skills, celebrated by the CEO, and self-training about technical.
Đề nghị cải thiện
Boss is like a sun. Way too hot sometimes. So it's best if he just stays and works from home a couple of days. Please keep doing what you are doing :)