May Sunshine Corporation
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Mô hình công ty
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Thuê Ngoài Phát Triển Phần Mềm
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Quốc gia
Thời gian làm việc
Thứ 2 - Thứ 6
Làm việc ngoài giờ
Không có OT
Giới thiệu công ty
Provide Software Outsourcing and Optimization Consulting
May Sunshine Corporation Ltd were established from 2010. During 5 years of development, we are proud to be a young leading, experienced and highly qualified executive firm in providing professional Staff for foreign companies.
Furthermore, May Sunshine also brings up the choices on Software Outsourcing and Optimization Consulting.
For May Sunshine, employees are the most primary property of the company. We believe that once the employees love their work, the clients get the well - done results.
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