DAC Data Technology Vietnam - Hanoi Office
Nhấn để bắt đầu đánh giá
6 đánh giá
Good company but need improvement
Điều tôi thích:
Các anh hỗ trợ tốt. HR chu đáo, quan tâm đến nhân viên. Không OT
Công ty không khuyến khích OT. Nếu OT thì được trả lương theo đúng qui định.
Đề nghị cải thiện:
Hơi ít việc, cần nhiều người có kinh nghiệm hơn.
Nhiều task phải test rất mệt
Stable workplace
Điều tôi thích
The salary is really good, the manager always tries to increase my salary before I request. There are many training courses about soft skills, celebrated by the CEO, and self-training about technical.
Đề nghị cải thiện
Boss is like a sun. Way too hot sometimes. So it's best if he just stays and works from home a couple of days. Please keep doing what you are doing :)
Môi trường tốt, sếp và quản lý khá là Ok!!
Điều tôi thích
The salary is really good, the manager always tries to increase my salary before I request. There are many training courses about soft skills, celebrated by the CEO, and self-training about technical.
Đề nghị cải thiện
Boss is like a sun. Way too hot sometimes. So it's best if he just stays and works from home a couple of days. Please keep doing what you are doing :)
Trẻ trung, năng động, môi trường làm việc nhiều cơ hội
Điều tôi thích
The salary is really good, the manager always tries to increase my salary before I request. There are many training courses about soft skills, celebrated by the CEO, and self-training about technical.
Đề nghị cải thiện
Boss is like a sun. Way too hot sometimes. So it's best if he just stays and works from home a couple of days. Please keep doing what you are doing :)
Môi trường công ty thân thiện, mọi người hoà đồng
Điều tôi thích
The salary is really good, the manager always tries to increase my salary before I request. There are many training courses about soft skills, celebrated by the CEO, and self-training about technical.
Đề nghị cải thiện
Boss is like a sun. Way too hot sometimes. So it's best if he just stays and works from home a couple of days. Please keep doing what you are doing :)
Môi trường làm việc rất tốt. Nhiều sự giúp đỡ từ đồng nghiệp trong công ty
Điều tôi thích
The salary is really good, the manager always tries to increase my salary before I request. There are many training courses about soft skills, celebrated by the CEO, and self-training about technical.
Đề nghị cải thiện
Boss is like a sun. Way too hot sometimes. So it's best if he just stays and works from home a couple of days. Please keep doing what you are doing :)