BIN Corporation Group
Nhấn để bắt đầu đánh giá
24 đánh giá
Có tranning nghiệp vụ với Partner nước ngoài (online)
Điều tôi thích:
Nhân sự:
Thời gian hơi gắt 8g - 17g (trễ phải làm bù)
Đồng phục công sở, ko cho diện áo thun quần đùi
Thứ 7 làm nửa buổi (hơi ngán)
Hút thuốc theo giờ
Chỗ để xe phải đi bộ
Chuyên môn:
Chưa có team Tester nên đầu ra hơi chậm
Có tranning nghiệp vụ với Partner nước ngoài (online)
Sếp thay đổi liên tục phải chạy theo
Tùy dự án hơi áp lực về thời gian
Anh em chia sẻ ko giấu diếm
Thời gian hơi gắt 8g - 17g (trễ phải làm bù)
Đồng phục công sở, ko cho diện áo thun quần đùi
Đề nghị cải thiện:
Chỗ để xe phải đi bộ, Sếp thay đổi liên tục phải chạy theo
Mọi người trong team như một gia đình
Điều tôi thích
The salary is really good, the manager always tries to increase my salary before I request. There are many training courses about soft skills, celebrated by the CEO, and self-training about technical.
Đề nghị cải thiện
Boss is like a sun. Way too hot sometimes. So it's best if he just stays and works from home a couple of days. Please keep doing what you are doing :)
Môi trường làm việc tốt
Điều tôi thích
The salary is really good, the manager always tries to increase my salary before I request. There are many training courses about soft skills, celebrated by the CEO, and self-training about technical.
Đề nghị cải thiện
Boss is like a sun. Way too hot sometimes. So it's best if he just stays and works from home a couple of days. Please keep doing what you are doing :)
Công ty môi trường toxic
Điều tôi thích
The salary is really good, the manager always tries to increase my salary before I request. There are many training courses about soft skills, celebrated by the CEO, and self-training about technical.
Đề nghị cải thiện
Boss is like a sun. Way too hot sometimes. So it's best if he just stays and works from home a couple of days. Please keep doing what you are doing :)
Điều tôi thích
The salary is really good, the manager always tries to increase my salary before I request. There are many training courses about soft skills, celebrated by the CEO, and self-training about technical.
Đề nghị cải thiện
Boss is like a sun. Way too hot sometimes. So it's best if he just stays and works from home a couple of days. Please keep doing what you are doing :)
Phòng technical k ổn
Điều tôi thích
The salary is really good, the manager always tries to increase my salary before I request. There are many training courses about soft skills, celebrated by the CEO, and self-training about technical.
Đề nghị cải thiện
Boss is like a sun. Way too hot sometimes. So it's best if he just stays and works from home a couple of days. Please keep doing what you are doing :)
Trải nghiệm bt
Điều tôi thích
The salary is really good, the manager always tries to increase my salary before I request. There are many training courses about soft skills, celebrated by the CEO, and self-training about technical.
Đề nghị cải thiện
Boss is like a sun. Way too hot sometimes. So it's best if he just stays and works from home a couple of days. Please keep doing what you are doing :)
Đánh giá Bin Corp Group
Điều tôi thích
The salary is really good, the manager always tries to increase my salary before I request. There are many training courses about soft skills, celebrated by the CEO, and self-training about technical.
Đề nghị cải thiện
Boss is like a sun. Way too hot sometimes. So it's best if he just stays and works from home a couple of days. Please keep doing what you are doing :)
Quản lý quá yếu kém
Điều tôi thích
The salary is really good, the manager always tries to increase my salary before I request. There are many training courses about soft skills, celebrated by the CEO, and self-training about technical.
Đề nghị cải thiện
Boss is like a sun. Way too hot sometimes. So it's best if he just stays and works from home a couple of days. Please keep doing what you are doing :)
với đội ngủ quản lí bảo thủ yếu kém và cty gia đình
Điều tôi thích
The salary is really good, the manager always tries to increase my salary before I request. There are many training courses about soft skills, celebrated by the CEO, and self-training about technical.
Đề nghị cải thiện
Boss is like a sun. Way too hot sometimes. So it's best if he just stays and works from home a couple of days. Please keep doing what you are doing :)