General information
Company type
IT Product
Company industry
Software Products and Web Services
Company size
Working days
Monday - Friday
Overtime policy
Extra salary for OT
Company overview
"Each of us is completely different, that’s why we are the most versatile"
IDS is a place where different people come together as one team, get creative, dynamic and deliver results. Find out what makes you want to be a member of the team.
- Start doing the real work: We actually push you to identify and focus on what’s absolutely critical, forcing you to think more creatively about how you approach projects and create value.
- Learning and responsibility: We urge you to adopt new skills and responsibilities to make up for the small-sized taking on the huge challenges of building an empire.
- An environment of innovation: You can find yourself working with a team that is highly passionate and enthusiastic.
- A real path to your dream: professional working methods help you build your basic career from now.
Company website
Currently, IDSolutions is not hiring for any positions.
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