ABH Tech
General information
Company type
IT Service and IT Consulting
Company industry
IT Services and IT Consulting
Company size
United States
Working days
Monday - Friday
Overtime policy
Company overview
ABH Tech is a start-up game developer
Our company services other publishers to assist them in developing and publish quality software, working closely with them on many new and challenging projects with our ultimate goal of creating our own games and apps.
We will target any and all platforms, from mobile to web-based and high-end PC’s using a Team oriented environment, focusing on our employee’s growth and development. Team Building events will be held monthly and an extensive library of games are made available for breaks and down time.
Successful candidates will be offered competitive salary, working in an inviting environment with powerful workstations and customizable peripherals, allowing choice in keyboards mice and monitors.
Why you'll love working here
- Encourage Growth and Learning Environment
- High End Workstations and Equipment.
- Teamwork Focus and Friendly Environment.
- TGIF (Thanks Goodness its Friday) is a company team building event we hold every other Friday. We will either have a company dinner, play games as a company with food and snacks, or go to a movie.
- 12 days vacation per year.
- 13th Month Bonus.
- Professional Tools and Systems to do your job.
- Flexible Work Hours
- Lots of places near by for lunch.
Currently, ABH Tech is not hiring for any positions.