Shichida Vietnam
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IT Product
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Company overview
Shichida Educational Institute
With more than 450 Shichida centers in Japan and regionally, Shichida is expanding its operations in Vietnam with two Institutes in HCM (An Phu, District 2) and HN (Kim Ma, Ba Dinh)
The Shichida Method is a well-researched, developed and proven methodology for the past 50 years in early education. In Shichida Institutes worldwide, we aim to provide young children with best-in-class training to unleash the innate and unlimited abilities and potential of a child.
The Shichida Method is a well-researched, developed and proven methodology for the past 50 years in early education. In Shichida Institutes worldwide, we aim to provide young children with best-in-class training to unleash the innate and unlimited abilities and potential of a child.
Our key skills
Currently, Shichida Vietnam is not hiring for any positions.
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