General information

Company type
IT Outsourcing
Company industry
IT Services and IT Consulting
Company size
1-50 employees
Working days
Monday - Friday
Overtime policy

Company overview

Our key skills

Our Key Skills

Why you'll love working here

  • 13th Salary + MVP + Bonus.
  • Probation full salary, Maternity leave NET salary
  • Free fruit, snack, drink every day.

Our People

Project Leader - Huynh Tan Phu

What’s the coolest thing about your job?

The biggest reason is because Sango fits my career direction

What's one favorite thing about your job?

Here, I can learn more knowledge about technology field. Moreover, I can satisfy my passion for coding

CEO - Yuma Noma

What's one favorite thing about your job?

My favorite thing is when customer or user give us great feedback for our technology

What's the coolest skill you've learned?

Every day I'm learning a lot things from Sango members. But coolest is that how to make great working environment to team. Our company is deciding new peaks or benefits by member's opinion.

Project Leader - Hieu

What's the coolest skill you've learned?

Time management, Team communication

What’s the coolest thing about your job?

Here, I can learn more knowledge about technology field. Moreover, I can satisfy my passion for coding

Project Leader - Tran Thi Hong Thao

What’s the coolest thing about your job?

I love projects here, which inspires my passion for coding and it always makes me think about source code optimization instead of only finish tasks.

What's one favorite thing about your job?

I can learn and work in every corner of the project as a full-stack developer, which gives me many opportunities for skill up the technical level


Ho Chi Minh

Nguyen Dinh Chinh, Phu Nhuan, Ho Chi Minh
Currently, Sango Technologies Inc is not hiring for any positions.
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