Noble House HOME Furnishings LLC
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Company overview
Noble House Home Furnishings LLC - Rep Office in Da Nang
Noble House Home Furnishings LLC – Representative Office in Da Nang is a Procurement Office located in Da Nang, Viet Nam. Our head office is located in USA and we are working under China Office. We specialize in managing factory partnerships, supply chain, logistics, distribution, and sales of our company’s products across the world. Our company consists of around 250 staffs in Viet Nam and China, more than 150 staffs in USA; due to rapid growth and expansion, we expect that number to reach 300 by end of 2018. We are a team of passionate, innovative individuals who work as a team to adapt to both the changing marketplace and challenges brought by growth. People are the lifeblood of any organization; as Permaisuri has grown, we have made a conscious decision to put People first, giving them opportunities to grow and succeed in their careers with us.
Currently, Noble House HOME Furnishings LLC is not hiring for any positions.
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