MEME Network
General information
Company type
IT Outsourcing
Company industry
AI, Blockchain and Deep Tech Services
Company size
Working days
Company overview
MECLOUD - The No.1 All-in-one Online Video Platform
MECLOUD (one member of MEME Network) is a rising force in online video streaming solutions with an international outlook. Our team are passionate individuals driven to succeed with warrior's spirit and high degrees of openness and innovation.
Now we are one of the biggest video platform, not only leading in Vietnam but also global with 9 million active users, 43 million views and 79 million ad impressions monthly.
Our clients: Yeah1.com, Thethao247.vn, Tinmoi.vn, Tienphong.vn, Hay.tv, DoiSongPhapLuat.com, Nguoiduatin.vn, HayNhucNhoi.tv...
Thanks to more than 30 partners, MECLOUD is growing bigger every day and have plan to expand into Indonesia, Philipines and Thailand.
Company website
Our key skills
Why you'll love working here
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