General information
Company type
IT Product
Company industry
Company size
Working days
Company overview
We reaches beyond interpersonal connection, striving to connect all of us to the things around us.
We reaches beyond interpersonal connection, striving to connect all of us to the things around us.
We believe that smarter, broad-reaching connections allows information to flow freely and effectively,
businesses to grow organically, and people to live better lives.
The more we innovate the way we connect, the closer and more harmonious our world can become.
Our services:
- Software development
- Mobile application development
- Website design/development
- Web application development
- Window application development
Our goal is to create and operate global services.
We believe that smarter, broad-reaching connections allows information to flow freely and effectively,
businesses to grow organically, and people to live better lives.
The more we innovate the way we connect, the closer and more harmonious our world can become.
Our services:
- Software development
- Mobile application development
- Website design/development
- Web application development
- Window application development
Our goal is to create and operate global services.
Currently, i-link24 is not hiring for any positions.
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