DAC Data Technology Vietnam - Danang Office
General information
Company type
IT Product
Company industry
Company size
Working days
Monday - Friday
Company overview
DAC Tech Việt Nam là công ty chuyên về phát triển hệ thống và phần mềm tại Đà Nẵng, Việt Nam.
With a team of experienced engineers, we have provided consulting service and developing service over a wide range of technology products in the field of advertising (Ad_Tech). Solve problems that are cluttered and backlog to bring business efficiency to customers.
Unlike BPO (Business Process Outsourcing) that people usually know, we can carry out the entire process from design to development and completion of the project as One-Stop.
Company website
Fanpage Facebook
Why you'll love working here
- Annual salary review
- Bonus: twice a year (Summer bonus & Tet bonus)
- Full salary in probation duration
- Gift on every holiday (Labor Day, Independence Day, New Year Day)
- Insurance as per Labor law and Premium Tokio Marine Health Care
- Daily Fruit, Biweekly Happy Hour, Monthly Team Building, Biannual Kickoff, Annual Company Trip
- Financial support for training courses
- Allowance for Japanese & technical certificates
- Special benefits for women: Paid menstrual leave: 01 day/month; Paid post-maternity leave for female employees with under-1-year children: 01 hour/day during 06 months
Currently, DAC Data Technology Vietnam - Danang Office is not hiring for any positions.
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