General information
Company type
IT Product
Company industry
Software Products and Web Services
Company size
Working days
Monday - Friday
Overtime policy
Company overview
Zappasoft is an Australian technology company, specializing in sport technology products
Zappasoft is an Australian technology company, specializing in sport technology products. We developed iOS and Android applications for Australian, American and European market. Zappasoft belongs to Belgravia Group in Australia, which has 8000 employees, 2500 business customers, 1 million app users and nation wide customer support 24/7. Zappasoft has about 10 employees in both office, with 3 in Vietnam at the moment.
Zappasoft focuses on mobile technology and products for sports, as following:
- Training and coaching app;
- Sport learning program for school;
- Performance analysis for player;
- Simulated sport game;
- Partner with top professional athletes and national sport organizations in Australia: Cricket, Tennis, Footy, Netball and Rowing
- Video processing technology for training and coaching
- Schedule training and timetable
- Game technology and psychology on gamers
Company website
Our key skills
Our Key Skills
- Agile with Scrum Development- Build libraries ourselves- Use latest technologies: Swift- Apply latest architecture and software design: Clean Architecture- Design and develop apps to be able to port to Android and MacOS - Develop cool sport games. One of our games on Australian TV: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8LwPdQ_9YOE
Why you'll love working here
- product development
- training every week from experts
- friendly working environment
- A good place for you to grow your careers as we have career development opportunities and training
- Work closely with the top managers to understand and learn
- We are always strive to deliver the best software
- Learn different aspects of product development
- Work closely with the top managers to understand and learn
- We are always strive to deliver the best software
- Learn different aspects of product development
Currently, Zappasoft is not hiring for any positions.