Tin Dat ITS Co., LTD
General information
Company type
IT Outsourcing
Company industry
Company size
United States
Working days
Company overview
Tin Dat ITS
Tin Dat ITS Co., LTD is a 100% American Investment Company, founded in 2009 and based in Dist. 5, HCMC, Vietnam. Tindat ITS Co., provides a professional and great service in web design, web content development, database maintain for customers in U.S and Canada. Our company operates through four main segments: IT software services, database maintain, customer services for companies oversea,and related business projects development in Vietnam.With the multi-national partners and offices inUSA and China, we are now expanding our workforce through the grow of the office in Vietnam.
Company website
Currently, Tin Dat ITS Co., LTD is not hiring for any positions.
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