Thien An Investment Corporation | AA Distribution (AAD)
General information
Company type
Company industry
Trading and Commercial
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Working days
Company overview
An online distribution company for FMCG and HOME industry in VietNam
Thien An Investment Corporation - AA Distribution (AAD) is an online distribution company for FMCG and HOME industry in VietNam, founded to do eCommerce, warehousing, and cross borders.
AAD was backed by AAL group; who have 20 years’ experience in logistic, 1k+ partners across the globe and the only SCM provider for footwear factory in VietNam.
We are proud of contributing to the success of Điện Quang, Huggies, Kotex on online distribution, store operation and e-commerce market insight.
Currently, Thien An Investment Corporation | AA Distribution (AAD) is not hiring for any positions.
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