Solashi Vietnam
General information
Company type
IT Outsourcing
Company industry
IT Services and IT Consulting
Company size
Working days
Monday - Friday
Overtime policy
Company overview
Solashi - Make believe
Our company name is “Solashi”, it means the combination of “Solar” and “Shine”.
We aim to become one of the largest IT companies in Vietnam which brings new value and earns the trust of society, customers, and employees.
The director has been working with Japanese customers for more than 10 years, so he has gained a lot of knowledge and experience in working and managing in the field of software development.
Making use of this experience, he established Solashi in February 2019 with an ambitious goal to become a leading IT corporation with the slogan” the presence gives warmth to everyone.”
Solashi staff are extremely devoted to building a relationship of trust with our customers.
Company website
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