PEB Steel
General information
Company type
IT Product
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Company overview
PEB Steel Buildings Co., Ltd
The PEB Group of companies, based in Europe, started its Asia operations in 1994 and was one of the first companies to bring the Pre-Engineered Buildings (PEB) technology to the East Asia region.
With over 3,000 buildings supplied to China, Vietnam, Thailand, Myanmar and Cambodia, PEB has become a regional leader in the design, fabrication, supply and erection of Pre-Engineered Steel Buildings.
PEB Steel Building Ltd boasts an impressive list of satisfied local and international customers that includes, among others, such multi-national corporations as Obayashi, Taisei, Shimizu, Samsung, Liwayway, Unilever and Procter & Gamble.
Company website
Our key skills
Currently, PEB Steel is not hiring for any positions.