General information
Company type
IT Product
Company industry
Company size
Working days
Monday - Friday
Overtime policy
Company overview
HomeJobs.PH - Featured on CNN
- Work with an Australian Company and visit Australia (HomeJobs.PH is headquartered in Sydney, Australia)
- PH has been featured on many TV shows and newspapers and is shortly launching (CNN - https://www.facebook.com/CNNPhilippines/videos/2188419621397925/, ANC - https://www.facebook.com/ANCearlyedition/videos/437594080028513/, TV Patrol http://news.abs-cbn.com/news/04/27/18/alamin-mga-trabaho-abroad-na-maaaring-gawin-sa-bahay).
- Already featured on CNN – HomeJobs.PH has already 150,000 people who have signed up to the platform.
Why you'll love working here
- Working with an Australian team and for an Australian Company.
- Our Company has already been featured in CNN and 5 other tv shows and 10 other newspapers. Please see homejobs.phand click all the links on the website.
- Free coffee, tea drinks etc.
- Travel to Australia and possibility to work in the Australian office
- Interesting work on an exciting project with already 150,000 people who have signed up.
- Opportunity to share in the Company’s profits – depending on your performance.
- Opportunity to learn and define your career path.
- We truly value your thoughts and opinions
Currently, HomeJobs.PH is not hiring for any positions.
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