CNC Corporation
General information
Company type
IT Product
Company industry
Company size
Working days
Company overview
A company specializing in high technology
CNC Corporation is a company specializing in high tech, with CNC SOFTWARE outsourcing software for global market ( US, Euro, Japan, Korea..), and CNC MOBILE focusing on applications development on mobile platforms (iOS, Android).
Honorably awarded the 3rd prize in “VIET LAND” and the 2nd prize in “DEVELOPER CHALLENGES” contest, CNC is the convergence for people who are young, enthusiastic and ready to assert themselves and to conquer the peak of technology. CNC Corp is also the convergence for a common dream of everybody.
CNC – “Crazy- Nonstop – Creative”
Honorably awarded the 3rd prize in “VIET LAND” and the 2nd prize in “DEVELOPER CHALLENGES” contest, CNC is the convergence for people who are young, enthusiastic and ready to assert themselves and to conquer the peak of technology. CNC Corp is also the convergence for a common dream of everybody.
CNC – “Crazy- Nonstop – Creative”
Why you'll love working here
- Competitive salary and bonus package: Based on company bonus policy and ability of yourself
- Being trained basically and deeply to meet the international clients' demand.
- Working in a professional environment, friendly, young, providing candidates with unparalleled opportunities to develop the ability.
- Days off : Saturday, Sunday
- Being entitled to the benefits as specified in the Labor Code of Vietnam
- Being trained basically and deeply to meet the international clients' demand.
- Working in a professional environment, friendly, young, providing candidates with unparalleled opportunities to develop the ability.
- Days off : Saturday, Sunday
- Being entitled to the benefits as specified in the Labor Code of Vietnam
Currently, CNC Corporation is not hiring for any positions.
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