General information

Company type
IT Product
Company industry
Company size
1-50 employees
Working days
Monday - Friday
Overtime policy

Company overview

Our key skills

React Native, React, Javascript, NodeJS, GraphQL, GCP

Why you'll love working here

  • Young and International environment
  • Flexibility to work from home
  • Competitive compensation.
Unitz Technology Stack
Unitz - Paid Live Video Chat Platform Marketplace for Education

Our People

CEO - Hoang Pham

Describe your typical day

Attend our company's engineering daily meeting using our very own system: Unitz
Attend several meetings with CTO, designers, operations, marketing, HR teams.
Interview our suppliers/partners to become advisors/teachers/experts on our website.
Take kids to the swimming pool at the end of the day.

What’s the coolest thing about your job?

Get to know so many people on a daily basis.

Happy to interview suppliers/partners/advisors/teachers to join Unitz and start earning with Unitz when the product officially launches in December 2021.

More at:

CTO - Hung Tran

What's one favorite thing about your job?

Lead the engineering team at Unitz to work on the ground-breaking Education technology to deliver a delightful experience for teachers and learners, not only in Vietnam but also around the world. That's super exciting to work on.

Describe your typical day

Attend the engineering daily meeting using our very own platform Unitz with other colleagues.

Answer calls from developers to help them solve the problems

Depends on the day, I will spend my time coding on backend: Nodejs cloud functions, frontend in React, Gatsby, React Native, or dev-ops in Google Cloud Platform, or CI/CD on GitHub.


Ho Chi Minh

246 Phan Xích Long, Phường 07, Phu Nhuan, Ho Chi Minh
Currently, UNITZ is not hiring for any positions.
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