The Collective C
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3 employee reviews
Công ty rất chất
What I liked:
Tuy đã làm qua nhiều công ty nhưng mình ở đây lâu nhất, đã được có những trải nghiệm mới ko chỉ trong công việc mà trong việc khám phá những điều tiềm ẩn bên trong. Nhờ công ty mình đã chinh phục được Da Lat trail 21km , đi thái lan tự túc, suy nghĩ tích cực hơn.
vì chế độ công ty tốt nên tôi muốn cống hiến nhiều hơn
Công ty như gia đình
What I liked
The salary is really good, the manager always tries to increase my salary before I request. There are many training courses about soft skills, celebrated by the CEO, and self-training about technical.
Suggestions for improvement
Boss is like a sun. Way too hot sometimes. So it's best if he just stays and works from home a couple of days. Please keep doing what you are doing :)
Cty này làm mất uy tín của tôi
What I liked
The salary is really good, the manager always tries to increase my salary before I request. There are many training courses about soft skills, celebrated by the CEO, and self-training about technical.
Suggestions for improvement
Boss is like a sun. Way too hot sometimes. So it's best if he just stays and works from home a couple of days. Please keep doing what you are doing :)