Lunimedia Corporation
General information
Company type
IT Product
Company industry
Company size
South Korea
Working days
Monday - Friday
Overtime policy
Company overview
Lunimedia’s gaming platform, Lunipark - developed to ease inconvenience between developers and users
Lunimedia Corporation is a venture firm established by veterans from famous US game companies, to create the first unique PC Game digital distribution platform in Asia.
Lunimedia’s gaming platform, Lunipark, was developed to ease inconvenience between developers and users. Lunipark users can play popular PC games at affordable hourly rates without owning high end PCs, and Developers can enter new B2B PC Café market earning new revenue stream in time-usage.
Future goal for Lunimedia is to expand B2C home market by executing B2B business to gain pool of quality games catalogs, and we would like to find great talent of people to grow Lunimedia together to achieve something never done before in game industry.
Company website
Currently, Lunimedia Corporation is not hiring for any positions.
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