In the realm of software development, overseeing a team of Developers presents a significant challenge, as these professionals typically prefer minimal oversight. However, enhancing productivity proves difficult without effective measurement and management strategies. To address this, organizations have increasingly turned to technology and data-driven approaches to foster transparency and optimize productivity without imposing unnecessary stress on their teams.

Đọc phiên bản tiếng Việt của bài viết tại: “Developer không thích bị quản lý” và Bài toán tối ưu năng suất đội ngũ phát triển

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The information in the article is shared within the event “Enhancing Development Productivity through Visibility” took place at 17:00 on December 4, 2024, organized by ITviec and Findy Team+ at the ITviec office.

With the participation of representatives from ITviec, ZIGExN VeNtura, Persol Career Tech Studio, and Vitalify Asia, the event focuses on optimizing productivity through workflow transparency, helping development teams solve bottlenecks in software development.

The challenge of enhancing the performance for the software development team

Mr. Yuichiro Yamada, CEO of Findy Team+, states, “Most development teams do not like being managed”.

When subjected to excessive monitoring or inappropriate key performance indicators (KPIs), developers often experience a sense of diminished autonomy, which can adversely affect their motivation and output. Traditional metrics, such as lines of code (LOC) or rigid KPIs, may fail to accurately capture the true contributions of a developer. For instance, LOC can incentivize the creation of superfluous code, while KPIs may lack the adaptability needed to assess overall performance effectively.

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Mr. Yuichiro Yamada, the CEO of Findy Team+, discussed the prevailing issues that many developers face regarding management oversight

To enhance the software development process and encourage ongoing improvement, numerous organizations have embraced DORA Metrics – DevOps Research and Assessment – a framework designed to evaluate the efficacy of DevOps practices. The primary indicators of DORA Metrics encompass:

  • Deployment Frequency
  • Lead Time for Changes
  • Change Failure Rate
  • Mean Time to Recovery

Findy Team+ utilizes DORA Metrics to refine workflows, facilitate seamless integration of development activities, identify bottlenecks and opportunities for enhancement, and promote efficiency and collaboration, thereby nurturing a culture of continuous improvement.

Even though there are numerous DevOps methodologies, which offer various frameworks and practices for improving software development and operational efficiency, this article will delve into the specific ways in which DORA metrics can serve as a powerful tool for organizations striving to enhance their DevOps performance.

And ITviec serves as a compelling illustration of how DORA Metrics can enhance the performance of small development teams. By emphasizing transparency in workflows and monitoring essential performance indicators, ITviec effectively identified and resolved bottlenecks, leading to impressive outcomes with its team of just eight developers.

The use of DORA Metrics at ITviec facilitates a more effective deployment process

ITviec stands as the premium IT recruitment platform in Vietnam, dedicated to bridging the gap between technology professionals and businesses. Under the guidance of Mr. Nguyen Thanh Luan, Technical Lead, and Mr. Vuong Duc Hien, Senior Ruby on Rails Engineer, the development team, consisting of eight developers, encountered significant challenges in measuring and enhancing performance.

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Mr. Vuong Duc Hien – Senior Ruby on Rails Engineer at ITviec, in his presentation about Small Team Focus – Big Team Impact

In his presentation titled “Small Team Focus – Big Team Impact”, Mr. Hien highlighted the previous difficulties faced by ITviec in pinpointing bottlenecks within their processes, which resulted in prolonged Pull Request (PR) processing times and extended development cycles. He noted that the absence of visual data hindered the team’s ability to accurately evaluate performance and identify potential issues. This realization prompted the team to seek a definitive solution for measuring output metrics and uncovering optimization opportunities.

The implementation of DORA Metrics marked a pivotal shift in ITviec’s strategy. Key indicators such as Deployment Frequency, Change Failure Rate, and Mean Time to Restore were meticulously tracked. The team concentrated on decomposing work into independent tasks and standardizing the code review process.

After more than three months of applying these metrics, ITviec attained Elite status in three critical DORA indicators:

  • Deployment frequency rose from 2.4 to 3.1 times per day;
  • The change failure rate decreased from 12% to 1.9%;
  • Mean time to recover from errors reduced from 16 hours to 0.2 hours.

Mr. Hien further emphasized that, beyond the enhancement of these metrics, the mentoring program established between Junior and Senior programmers has significantly contributed to improving code quality and accelerating workflow efficiency.

Although ITviec showcased the effectiveness of DORA Metrics in optimizing workflows for small teams, larger multinational corporations encounter distinct challenges. The insights gained from ZIGExN VeNtura illustrate an alternative viewpoint on how transparency and metrics can effectively address bottlenecks that arise within teams spread across various countries.

ZIGExN VeNtura – Streamlining the Development Cycles of Multinational Organizations

ZIGExN VeNtura, a subsidiary of ZIGExN Group in Vietnam, which offers over ten software products based on the Life Media platform, is currently experiencing significant challenges in its testing and source code review processes. The development teams located in Vietnam and Japan frequently face synchronization issues during the development cycle. This situation results in prolonged durations from review to approval and delays in the consolidation of source code.

Mr. Tung Mai, Unit Manager at ZIGExN VeNtura, stated that a team member based in Vietnam handles approximately 60% of the review workload, resulting in significant pressure and delaying the approval process. At the same time, the development team in Japan is experiencing delays in finalizing the acceptance testing phase, which consequently prolongs the overall development schedule.

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Mr. Tung Mai – Unit Manager at ZIGExN VeNtura, in his presentation on Enhance Productivity in Software Development

To address these issues, ZIGExN VeNtura has employed DORA Metrics to conduct a thorough analysis of each phase of the development cycle. The team swiftly implemented several enhancements, including daily meetings to monitor work progress and refining communication protocols between teams. They ensured that each Pull Request is managed by team members with clearly defined responsibilities.

The outcomes of these initiatives surpassed expectations:

  • The duration from review to approval decreased from 18 hours to 12 hours;
  • The time taken from approval to consolidation was reduced from 60 hours to 33 hours;
  • The distribution of review tasks was balanced, alleviating the pressure on the primary reviewer from 60% to 23%.

The improved synchronization between the development teams in Japan and Vietnam not only accelerated the development cycle for ZIGExN VeNtura but also enhanced the quality of the products.

Although ZIGExN VeNtura prioritized synchronization across various geographical locations, Persol Career Tech Studio took a distinct approach to productivity by modifying monitoring tools to foster a work environment that is both transparent and free of stress.

Persol Career Tech Studio aims to alleviate stress while enhancing productivity by fostering transparency

Mr. Tomoaki Shida, General Manager of Persol Career Tech Studio, a key organization in system development, previously expressed concerns regarding the implementation of performance monitoring tools. He noted that “(Performance monitoring tools) could give the impression of being monitored.”

To address this issue, Persol Career Tech Studio adopted a decentralized monitoring approach, allowing managers to concentrate on overarching metrics while enabling Developers to track and enhance their daily productivity. This strategy emphasizes the evaluation of performance over time rather than through inter-group comparisons, thereby alleviating competitive pressures and fostering individual development.

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Tomoaki Shida – General Manager at Persol Career Tech Studio, in his presentation on Productivity

After three years of utilizing DORA Metrics, the development team at Persol Career Tech Studio has achieved notable outcomes, including a reduction in work-related stress and an increase in the autonomy of each team member. The process has become more transparent, enabling the team to clearly identify areas requiring improvement.

As a result, Persol Career Tech Studio has successfully diminished pressure and cultivated a positive work culture, where team members are more self-sufficient and proactive in enhancing productivity.

The example set by Persol Career Tech Studio demonstrates that promoting transparency is essential for alleviating stress and improving team independence. Vitalify Asia expands on this concept by customizing its productivity frameworks to address the specific requirements of projects that are driven by artificial intelligence and outsourcing.

Vitalify Asia emphasizes transparency in preparing for an AI-driven future

Mr. Binh Trung, the Chief Tech Architect from Vitalify Asia, shared insightful experiences regarding the company’s efforts to enhance the productivity of its development team. Vitalify Asia, a Japanese technology firm, has been operating in Vietnam for over 15 years, focusing on the development of specialized web, mobile, and AI products. As the company experiences rapid growth, it encounters numerous opportunities alongside significant challenges in sustaining and elevating the performance of its development team.

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Mr. Binh Trung – Chief Tech Architect at Vitalify Asia, is sharing the reason “Why Do We (Vitalify Asia) Apply Our Original System?”

To address the unique nature of outsourcing projects, which often involve diverse development cycles and adaptable client requirements, Vitalify Asia has taken the initiative to establish a distinct productivity transparency system.

This system emphasizes the monitoring and assessment of each team member’s actual contributions, moving beyond traditional metrics such as lines of code (LOC). Engineers are responsible for tracking their own progress and providing daily updates with detailed information, which fosters accuracy and proactivity in their work processes. Additionally, the system is designed to be flexibly tailored to meet the specific needs of each project or proprietary AI product, thereby enhancing overall performance.

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Mr. Takayuki Sakurai – Managing Director from Vitalify Asia, discusses and exchanges solutions for measuring and optimizing productivity

Even though these varied organizations were coming from different backgrounds and facing distinct challenges in performance measurement, a common principle is evident: productivity flourishes in settings shaped by transparent and autonomous performance management systems. By implementing these principles, managers have the opportunity to reshape how Developers view supervision and the assessment of their performance for more confidence and comfort.

In summary, what actions should be taken if Developers are uncomfortable with being managed?

If a Developer prefers not to be managed, it is essential for managers to foster a transparent workflow that allows and empowers Developers to identify bottlenecks and actively participate in devising solutions. By implementing a system where performance metrics are openly shared, Developers can shift their perspective from feeling monitored to recognizing their role in enhancing the process.

A transparent approach enables Developers to monitor both their individual progress and that of their team, fostering motivation and a sense of autonomy in their work. This visibility into their contributions diminishes the perception of being managed, promoting a culture of self-management that enhances their engagement to their tasks.

In conclusion, by establishing an environment that encourages Developers to engage in the assessment and enhancement of performance, they transition from mere executors to vital contributors in improving overall work efficiency.