Vodatel Integrated Solutions Vietnam
General information
Company type
IT Product
Company industry
Company size
Working days
Company overview
An one-stop IT and Telecom solution provider
Vodatel Integrated Solutions (Vietnam) Ltd. is an one-stop IT and Telecom solution provider having an office in Ho Chi Minh City and a branch in Hanoi. VIS' focus is to provide a wide scope of IT and Telecom solutions for telecom infra-structure, mobile devices, value-added services, applications and contents, based on customers' business requirements VIS provides project management, design and consultation, system integration, traffic engineering, content development, maintenance and support. We are positioned as a total solution provider in the IT and Telecom industry and we are customer oriented and are committed to providing quality products, solutions and services.
Our key skills
Currently, Vodatel Integrated Solutions Vietnam is not hiring for any positions.
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