General information
Company type
IT Outsourcing
Company industry
Company size
Working days
Company overview
Connecting the world's elite workforce
KodeQ provides a trustworthy marketplace to recruit and hire full-time technology talent from Southeast Asia for technology and tech-enabled companies in North America so they can confidently assemble a full-time web development team for a fraction of the typical cost and time. Unlike independent freelancer agency networks like Toptal or Upwork, we provide only fully vetted full-time developers for a price that includes office space, human resource management, and career mentoring.
Company website
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Our key skills
Why you'll love working here
- Open free communication
- Flat organization structure
- Leadership role flexibility
Enjoy exchanging knowledge with top IT talents in North America and Vietnam while working in a relaxed startup environment. Our office is a remodeled luxury high-rise condo furnished with comfy beds for your resting needs, a kitchen for cooking, a washing machine for laundry, and a swimming pool free of your access.
We're completely open-door and transparent. Feel free to participate in any strategic discussion and contribute your ideas on how our company can further succeed.
Currently, KODEQ is not hiring for any positions.